(BRAYMER, Mo.) Following the school’s suspension from the C.L.A.A. (Carroll-Livingston Activities Association), the Braymer C-4 School District administration team has released new expectations, as well as, consequences for unsportsmanlike behavior for fans and athletes.
The district administration team announced new rules and protocols after the suspension came down on Friday following multiple incidents involving other conference schools.
The district administration team announced expectations for the remainder for the basketball season for fans at their venue.
- Fans should sit behind or across from Braymer’s bench unless otherwise designated by the host venue.
For the baseball and softball seasons, there will be certain protocols that need to be followed.
- Braymer fans should sit near their dugout or in designated law chair areas on/near their side to the support the team.
The expected fan behavior includes “your conduct should reflect the behaviors we expect from our students, and maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere for both youth spectators and our student-athletes. Unsportsmanlike behaviors include, but are not limited to, confronting, using profanity, or directing inappropriate comments at an opposing coach, administrator, official, players, or spectators; or continues with obtrusive behaviors.”
Braymer’s administration said the consequences for unsportsmanlike behavior is two possible offenses.
- First Offense- At minimum a four-game/activity suspension
- Second Offense- Suspension from all Braymer C4 activities for 365 calendar days
As for the consequences for unsportsmanlike behavior from a student participant, there are are also two possible offenses.
- First Offense- At minimum a four-game/activity suspension
- Second Offense- Suspension for the remainder of the season or activity in which the action takes place.
During Monday night’s Board of Education meeting, the board created a “Sportsmanship Improvement Plan”.
The plan looks like this:
- Training and professional development will be provided for administration to promote active supervision
- MSHSAA/NFHS Sportsmanship Course training will be required of all coaches
- Board members to spread throughout crowd as early interventionists
- Multiple admin-on-duty
- When available, law enforcement at home games
- Braymer C-4 Conduct Letter is posted on Facebook and the District Website
- Visitor bus parking will be changed to allow alternative entrance/exit
- Detailed itinerary will be sent to visiting schools prior to the day of the game
- Pre-game protocols
- Before each contest, a PSA will be read aloud promoting sportsmanship and the possible consequences that go along with improper sportsmanship.
- Visiting teams will be shown the locations of their locations of their locker rooms via the administrator on-duty.
- A large banner will be posted in the gym promoting sportsmanship.
- Post-game protocols
- All balls and other post-game entertainment for younger students will be secured and locked away.
- Spectators will be given 10 minutes to exit the gym after the games and lights will be shut off at that time.
- Admin on duty will be present at, or near the handshake line.
- Braymer coaches will be holding players in the locker room until all players are dressed and ready to leave as an entire team.
- From this point forward, any Braymer athlete that confronts, curses, or directs inappropriate comments at an opposing coach, administrator, official, players, or spectators; or continues with obtrusive behavior, will be removed from the team immediately.
- Spectators- From this point forward, any Braymer patron that confronts, curses, or directs inappropriate comments at an opposing coach, administrator, official, players or spectators; or continues with obtrusive behavior; will immediately be suspended for a minimum period of 4 games. Second offenses will be suspended for 365 calendar days.
- For the 2024-25 season, all prior offenses have been recorded. Further offenses will result in a suspension for 365 calendar days.
The board also noted that there will be a sport-specific “Codes of Conduct” for each sport and activity. A student, parent, and coach will also sign a code-of-conduct agreement.
The C.L.A.A. said Braymer’s suspension from the conference is until the official winter meeting on Feb. 5. The suspension stems from two incidents that occurred in December involving Braymer athletes, coaches, and spectators at conference basketball games.
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