WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – A voicemail message left for North Carolina State Representative Ted Davis, Jr. has sparked outrage in the Wilmington City Council.
Leslie Hudson, a Cape Fear Public Utility Authority board member and an employee in UNCW’s business affairs office, left the 42-second message for Rep. Davis on Dec. 11. It criticizes both Davis and his legislative assistant, Martha Jenkins, after the Republican voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the controversial Senate Bill 382.
“You’re a horrible, monster of a person and a terrible delegate,” Hudson says to Davis. “You do nothing but represent rich people and gross Republicans. I hope you rot in hell, and you suck!”
Hudson declined to answer any questions on-camera Thursday, but she did send the apology email she had sent to city leadership – including Mayor Bill Saffo, City Manager Tony Caudle and all members of the city council.
“I regret my tone and choice of words, which were inappropriate and unproductive,” Hudson wrote on Sunday. “I want to emphasize that the message I left was made in my capacity as a private citizen and not as a representative of CFPUA. Nevertheless, I recognize that my actions reflect on the City and the Board, and for that, I am truly sorry.”
Davis called the voicemail “totally unacceptable” – specifically pointing to its message for Jenkins – and said it puts a “black mark” on CFPUA and UNCW, where Hudson manages the school’s debt portfolio, unrestricted trust fund cash investments and credit rating, according to her CFPUA bio.
The CFPUA said it couldn’t comment, citing that it’s not responsible for who’s appointed to its board.
Davis sent the message to city council member, Luke Waddell, among others, who then sent it to Caudle and the remainder of city council last Friday.
“The tone and content of this message are troubling,” Waddell’s email reads. “The vitriolic language used is not only unprofessional but also unbecoming of a Council appointee…I strongly condemn this conduct and urge the Council to take immediate steps to address this matter.”
Waddell didn’t respond to a request for comment on Thursday; his email last week said he recommends council discuss the message to determine “appropriate actions” during their next meeting, on Jan. 7.
In her email to city leadership, Hudson reasserts her distaste for S.B. 382, which she says “essentially overturns the will of North Carolina’s voters.” The bill, aimed at providing relief for Hurricane Helene victims, also strips executive power from top state leaders and includes other unrelated provisions.
Hudson calls the bill a “sham” in her voicemail for Davis.
“Ted, you’re disgusting. And Martha, you’re gross. You people are nothing but sham, terrible people. I really wish you’d just retire,” she says.
On Wednesday, Davis responded to an email Hudson had sent him, saying he had never received “anything” like her voicemail during his 28-year career as an elected official. He said he was “very fortunate” to have Jenkins in his office, and cited funding he’s supported for UNCW and CFPUA during his career.
“What makes these comments extraordinary and totally unacceptable are the facts that you work at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and are a member of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Board,” Davis wrote. “Are your comments appropriate for someone who represents UNCW or the CFPUA?”
He continued: “I will end by simply saying that I am in receipt of your emailed apology, and I hope that it is sincere.”
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