But from the onset it reeks of indifference.
The entire team moves through the movie like zombies, as if all they could care about is the paycheck at the end.
Common how difficult is it to make a formulaic film and enjoy it???.
We the audience enjoy it, we know what were getting into when watching such movies and more often than not…. we enjoy ourselves.
But everyone in this movie comes across as bored but still trying to be cool.
The premise of the movie isn’t bad, 10 dirty deeds is more than what some movies have been made on, but the potential has been squandered.
The stereotypes, which are critical for this genre, go through their roles with absolute lack of conviction.
The energy levels are very low starting with the Protagonist who acts like he couldn’t give a f^&k.
The raunch levels are enough to get an R rating but not enough to being anywhere near gratifying. It doesn’t help when all the wrong people are showing their boobs either.
The finale is absolutely pointless and makes us feel like losers by deriding the very foundation that adult teen comedies are based on (people do stupid things once in a while …and its OK).
The only good thing going for this movie is that its short and you don’t really ever get bored.
-s misguided attempt at epic scenes, abysmal energy levels, shoddy acting.
+/-s the protagonist is already the cool guy.
+s short and doesn’t really get torturous or boring.
The ratings are more a function of the directors previous film which I consider one of the genre classics.
The studios have punished him for this effort and we can contribute too by putting this movie low on our watchlist.