Although the fizzled out into nothing on Voyager, the Maquis were once one of the more compelling aspects of Star Trek. Humans who revolted against the Federation after the Cardassians demilitarized, the Maquis showed a more revolutionary criticism of the central Utopian vision. The best use of the Maquis came with Michael Eddington (Kenneth Marshall), who masqueraded as a Security Officer on DS9 before revealing himself as a traitor, much to Sisko’s chagrin.
Eddington’s story comes to a head in season five’s “Blaze of Glory,” in which the obsessed Sisko finally brings him down. But Eddington’s best moment came in “For the Cause,” when he reveals his true intentions. As demonstrated by the speeches he gives, Eddington’s betrayal vexes Sisko not just because a traitor hid right under the Captain’s nose. Rather, it was because Sisko carries some sympathies for the Maquis, sympathies he doesn’t want to admit, even to himself.
13. Call to Arms
Season 5 Episode 26
Ever since its inception, Star Trek has wrestled with the idea that Starfleet may be more of a military branch than an exploratory organization. “Call to Arms” fully dismisses that question, as any pretense of hedging falls away when the Cardassians, now aligned with the Dominion, take control of the station. Rather than treat the turn to war as a loss, for either the station or Star Trek in general. Sisko makes it clear that he, the Federation, and Star Trek values will return, a promise he makes by leaving behind his beloved baseball.
The baseball reveal is an elegant reminder of the hope that remains, even at this darkest point in the show. However, it works because of the massive stakes of the storyline, all of which get ramped up in “Call to Arms.” Dukat has rarely been as imperious as he is in this battle, Weyoun rarely as slimy, Demar rarely as grumpy, all certain they’re well on their way to victory, while Worf and Jadzia get separated, and Odo and Rom stay behind, apparently in service of their enemies. It looks bleak in “Call to Arms.” And then, Dukat finds Sikso’s baseball.
12. Hard Time
Season 4 Episode 19