President Donald Trump defended himself as a “weaver” while complaining to Fox News anchor Bret Baier that he is often accused of rambling about topics.
In what could objectively be described as a rambling response to a question about how he will handle foreign policy, Trump repeated his claim the 2020 election was “stolen” and explained his communication style.
An exchange with Baier on the last election, the 2023 Israel terror attacks, Iran’s funding of terror, and the “fake news” covered 45 seconds and reads as follows:
TRUMP: If the election weren’t rigged, this would have never happened. And let’s see whether or not Fox lets you put that in. Okay? The election was rigged. You hear me? Rigged. Let’s see. I mean, it would have. This would have never happened. It wouldn’t happened with Putin. And October 7th would have never happened, either. Iran was broke. They were down to their last very small amount of money. Now they have $350 billion, but they have other problems. And, you know, let’s go back over there because I’m the weaver. I’m the great weaver. You know that.
BAIER: Trust me.
TRUMP: Okay? I’m the great weaver.
BAIER: I get it.
TRUMP: Somebody said, Oh, he rambled, No, no. Only the fake news says that. To weave, you have to be brilliant, to ramble, you don’t have to be brilliant at all.
BAIER: I’ll just get back in the weave thing. Had to get your back there.
TRUMP: But I like the weave because it covers a lot of territory, and it covers it much more quickly.
Trump explained what he called his “weave” last year during a campaign rally.
“You know, I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about, like, nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together,” he said. “And it’s like — and friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, it’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen. But the fake news, you know what they say? He rambled. That’s not rambling. When you have — what you do is you get off a subject to mention another little tidbit, then you get back onto the subject. And you go through this, and you do it for two hours, and you don’t even mispronounce one word.”
Watch above via Fox News.