President Donald Trump spun wild lies in a cabinet meeting rant about his lawsuit with CBS News and 60 Minutes over an interview with then-Vice President Kamala Harris.
Harris’s big October 60 Minutes interview went over like a lead balloon with Trump and his supporters, who accused the show of “deceitful” editing. That interview has been the subject of a lawsuit and an FCC complaint.
But when CBS released the full unedited video and transcript of the interview, it became clear that Trump’s objections were false and at times fabricated.
At a lengthy cabinet meeting Wednesday afternoon, Wall Street Journal White House correspondent Annie Linskey asked Trump about the lawsuit, and Trump went on a rant building on false claims he made in a recent Fox News interview (Mediaite’s Colby Hall debunked many of them here):
WSJ’S ANNIE LINSKEY: You’re in litigation with CBS news. Is this a case that you’d like to see go to trial, or are you open to some–.
WSJ’S ANNIE LINSKEY: CBS the 60 Minutes–
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, CBS did something that was amazing.
Kamala was unable to answer a question properly, and they took the question that they asked and they inserted an answer. They gave her an answer.
This was two days before the election, right before the Sunday night before the election.
And they wrote out a— they put her words from another question that was asked about a half an hour later, and they put that into the question.
Nobody’s ever even heard of that before. Nobody’s ever heard of anything like this before.
But they then did it, they say on numerous occasions, and the FCC is looking at it very strongly and everybody is looking at it.
And but nobody’s ever seen anything. Think of it. They took her answers and they changed them.
And I don’t mean they changed a word or two or they cut off a half a sentence, or they cut off a couple of words.
I mean, I’ve had that happen too, but that is just saying, you know, then they say, well, we want brevity. You know, we want it if we do it for time.
They took out her answer, and they inserted an entirely different answer that made her sound competent. And they did this.
And nobody’s ever even I thought, I’ve heard of everything when it comes to that stuff. No, I’ve never heard of it. Nobody’s ever seen. So we sued. And we are in discussions of settlement.
WSJ’S ANNIE LINSKEY: What would a number be–, what’s a number that you would think would be appropriate?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a lot. I mean, it probably did affect the election. I mean, we won by a lot. As I said, too big to rig.
But it probably did affect the election. Yeah. Probably could have won by more, but I could have lost the election because of that.
Watch above via Fox News.