Credits: Canva
If you are suffering from painful periods with symptoms like nausea, headache and fatigue, then pineapples could be the answer to your woes.
Credits: Canva
Eating pineapples during periods can help reduce period pain as the fruit is filled with Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
Credits: Canva
The presence of manganese and amino acids in the tangy fruit helps to regulate mood swings and reduce anxiety.
Credits: Canva
During periods, the body loses iron. So, eating pineapples will help boost iron absorption as the fruit has Vitamin C.
Credits: Canva
Consuming pineapples while menstruating will reduce bloating as they are packed with bromelain or anti-inflammatory properties.
Credits: Canva
The bromelain in pineapple will reduce muscle cramps and soreness in the body.
Credits: Canva
During periods, you may face nausea and digestion issues so eating pineapples will improve your digestion.
Credits: Canva