Creativity 101: This Cake Shaped Like A Modak Is Winning Hearts All Over  The Internet!

Modak Season

With the ongoing Ganpati Utsav, it’s officially modak season in India!

Credits: Canva 

Modak Recipes Take Over!

Whether it's sweet shops or online recipes, you’ll find a variety of modak  all over. 

Credits: Canva 

Modak-Shaped Cake

Amidst this modak fanfare, we found a very creative cake that is shaped in the form of modak!

10/10 For Creativity!

Is it a cake? Is it a modak?  No, it’s a modak-shaped cake!

Baking Brilliance 

Baker Sandeep Gaur (@cakecreation1911) took to Instagram to share how he turned a cake into a modak with icing and it’s truly impressive. 

Impressed Netizens 

As you can imagine, the impressive cake is being lauded by netizens. 

Appreciation Pours In

Hundreds of people commented on the post and expressed how impressed they were with Sandeep’s creativity and unique take on modak!

Modak Love Everywhere!

Netizens also expressed their desire to dig in and try this Modak Cake and we truly understand this temptation!