Going For A Scuba-Dive? Don't Miss Spotting These 7 Marine Animals

  All Image Courtesy: Unsplash

What To See?

Here’s a list of must-see marine animals to keep an eye out for during your scuba adventure:

1. Manta Rays

These graceful giants are often found in tropical waters and are known for their majestic gliding motion

2. Sea Turtles

Look for various species which can often be seen leisurely swimming or feeding on sea grass.

3. Clown Fish

Famous for their vibrant colors and symbiotic relationship with sea anemones, clownfish are a delight to observe.

4. Sea Horses

These delicate creatures are often found in seagrass beds or coral reefs

5. Jellyfish

Their ethereal, floating motion and delicate, translucent bodies can be mesmerizing to watch from a safe distance.

6. Eagle Rays

With their broad, wing-like pectoral fins, eagle rays are a spectacular sight

7. Lionfish

Just be cautious, as their spines can sting!