Homemade Tofu: How To Make Tofu At Home From ANY Legume In 7 Easy Steps

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Dried legumes, Water, Lemon juice, salt.

What You Need

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Soak your chosen legumes overnight in cold water to soften them thoroughly.

Step 1

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Drain and rinse the legumes, then blend them with fresh water to create a smooth, creamy purée.

Step 2

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Step 3

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Strain the purée through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve to separate the milk from the pulp.

Step 4

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Heat the legume milk in a saucepan until it reaches a gentle simmer, stirring constantly to prevent scorching.

Remove from heat and add a coagulant such as lemon juice, vinegar, or nigari (magnesium chloride) to curdle the milk.

Step 5

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Once curds form, pour the mixture into a lined tofu press or colander and allow it to drain and set for several hours.

Step 6

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Step 7

Remove the tofu from the press, rinse gently with cold water, and store in fresh water in the refrigerator until ready to use.

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Enjoy this protein powerhouse fried or in a salad!

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