Credits: Unsplash
Excess calorie intake can lead to weight gain and related health issues.
Credits: Unsplash
High fibre content may cause bloating and digestive discomfort.
Credits: Unsplash
Allergic individuals may experience severe reactions to sesame or chickpeas.
Credits: Unsplash
High sodium levels in some varieties can contribute to hypertension.
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Overconsumption may cause blood sugar spikes, particularly in diabetics.
Credits: Unsplash
Phytic acid in chickpeas can interfere with mineral absorption.
Credits: Unsplash
The high FODMAP content can exacerbate symptoms in IBS sufferers.
Credits: Unsplash
Excessive omega-6 fatty acids from tahini may promote inflammation.
Credits: Unsplash
How often do you eat Hummus?
Credits: Unsplash