T20 WC: Enjoy India vs Australia Match Relishing These Healthy Easy-To-Make Snacks

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India is all set to play against Australia this Monday. Prepare some delicious snacks before the thrilling match to enjoy it fully. Here are some simple recipes to make healthy snacks at home.


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• Take a mixing bowl and add rolled oats, honey, peanut butter, and vanilla extract. • Mix well and then add chocolate chips and flax seeds.

1. Oat Balls

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• Once done, roll the oats dough into small balls. You can even refrigerate for about an hour before munching on them.

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Follow These Steps:

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• Heat treat flour for about a minute in a microwave oven. Once done, add milk powder and salt. Mix everything well.

2. Cookie Dough

• Take a separate bowl and pour sugar, softened butter, vanilla extract, flour, and chocolate chips.   • Whisk all the ingredients well and edible cookie dough is ready to relish! 

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Follow These Steps:

• Start by soaking black chana overnight. Next, boil it until it softens.

3. Black Chana Chaat

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• Take a mixing bowl and add boiled black chana, chopped onion, chopped tomato, chopped cucumber, chopped coriander leaves, green chillies, salt, black pepper powder, and amchur powder. • Mix everything and enjoy!

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Follow These Steps:

We are ready to cheer and support India. How excited are you for the clash?

Image Courtesy: Canva