Vegetarians, Replace These 5 Dishes In Your Diet With Their Protein-Rich Counterparts To Build Muscles

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Nutritionist Has Tips For You

Nutritionist and yoga teacher Juhi Kapoor recommends you to replace these 5 dishes with their protein-rich counterparts for better health. 

Credits: thejuhikapoor/ Instagram

1. Replace Curd With Greek Yoghurt

The pre-biotic, pro-biotic and protein rich Greek yoghurt is a healthier alternative to curd. 

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2. Eat Quinoa Instead Of Rice

Eating quinoa instead of rice will pack your body with protein. 

Credits: Canva 

3. Have Soybean Instead Of Dal

Eating more soybean instead of regular dal will help you build muscles. 

Credits: Canva 

4. Eat Chana Instead Of Makhana

When snacking, eat roasted chana instead of makhana to stay healthy. 

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5. Eat Besan Roti Instead Of Atta Roti

Instead of regular roti, make besan roti to add more protein sources to your diet. 

Credits: Canva 

Will You Follow These Tips? 

Will you include Juhi Kapoor's tips and replace these dish with their protein rich counterparts in your diet to build muscles? 

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Which of these dishes will you definitely eat more?

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