What Is Chinese Garlic And Why Is It Banned In India? All You Need To Know

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There has been an increase in adulterated food in the Indian market, including the illegal import of Chinese garlic.

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Chinese Garlic

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Rajkot Protest

Traders in Gujarat's Rajkot protested after discovering Chinese garlic at the Gondal Agriculture Produce Market Cooperative.

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The incident led to the seizure of 750 kg of Chinese garlic and a temporary halt in trade.

750kg of Garlic Seized

China, the world's largest garlic producer, uses modern farming techniques involving heavy chemical and pesticide use.

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Why Is It Banned?

India banned the import of Chinese garlic in 2014 due to safety concerns, but smuggling persists because it's cheaper.

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Safety Concerns

Chinese garlic tends to be smaller with a lighter white and pinkish hue, while Indian garlic is larger and more robust.

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How To Identify It?

Indian garlic has a strong, pungent aroma, whereas Chinese garlic has a milder smell and less potent flavour.

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Indian Garlic

To avoid purchasing banned Chinese garlic, consumers should look for larger size, stronger aroma, and more robust appearance characteristic of Indian garlic.

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How To Differentiate?

Stay alert and pay attention when you're buying Garlic!

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