The memo notes that a permanent halt of $7.7 billion in aid could lead to “12.5–17.9 million cases of malaria with an additional 71,000–166,000 deaths annually,” “a 28 to 32 percent increase in tuberculosis globally,” “an additional 200,000 paralytic polio cases a year,” and in a potential worst-case scenario, over “28,000 cases of Ebola, Marburg, or related diseases,” according to The Bulwark’s summary.
These programs are much more critical than the Trump administration would have the public believe, as it peddles false conspiracy theories about USAID like the agency providing condoms for Hamas.
Enrich went on to write that potentially 17 million pregnant women would lose access to lifesaving services, more than 11 million newborns would go without postnatal care, and about one million children would not receive treatment for severe acute malnutrition.