The actor and presenter has been investigating the conspiracy theory as part of a new show
Bradley Walsh has told how he thought he was “going to prove” that the pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens before investigating the conspiracy theory as part of a new show.
The presenter, 64, has always been interested in the tomb structures at Giza since he was child as his teacher was the great-niece of Howard Carter, who found Tutankhamun’s tomb.
As part of the Sky History programme Bradley Walsh: Egypt’s Cosmic Code, he travelled to the country after hearing “this rumour that the pyramids weren’t built by Ancient Egyptians at all”, and “they were built by a race that had either died out prior to 4,500 years ago, or they were built by someone or something else”.
The Chase host added: “Prior to arriving in Egypt, I’m thinking: this is going be great, I’m going to prove this is the aliens. People say I’m a conspiracy theorist. I’m not. All I did was say: ‘It could be this,’ and I needed to find out what is the truth.”
But Bradley went on to say that, being there, “you then realise it’s very difficult to take on board that anyone else other than ‘the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids'”.
“The great thing about the Great Pyramid is they started building the pyramids about 150 years prior to that one,” he said. “My expert guides, Meredith and Arto, showed me where the beginnings of the pyramids were about 150 years prior to the Grand Pyramid. If you went there, you see the evolution of the pyramids – one’s wonky, one’s drooping on one side, it’s all trial and error.”
Bradley also appeared to suggest that being inside the Great Pyramid made him stop believing that it could generate electricity. He said: “Being so deep inside the pyramid, I was expecting a lot of noise. I’ve maintained that I think the Great Pyramid is some kind of power plant in its own right.”
The Gladiators co-host said that it was “mind-blowing being there”, and finding out that the final ruler of Egypt, Cleopatra VII, lover of Mark Antony and Julius Caesar, died closer to the modern era than the beginning of Ancient Egypt.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built more than 4,600 years ago to house Khufu, a king from Egypt’s 4th dynasty.
The Egyptian Government has previously invited people who do not believe their ancestors built the pyramids to the north-east African country to learn the story of the impressive structures.
Bradley Walsh: Egypt’s Cosmic Code airs on March 18 at 9pm on Sky History.