DRIVERS can be pulled over, arrested, and even lose their license for drinking too much coffee, a legal expert has revealed.
Texas lawyer Justin Sparks broke down how “driving under the influence” doesn’t always mean having one too many beers.


In a YouTube short, Sparks said alcohol, drugs, or even caffeine could lead to an arrest if a driver is caught being unsafe on the roads.
“DWI in Texas isn’t just alcohol,” he explained.
Everyone knows that driving while under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited as it can seriously impair motor functions.
However, legal substances can also have incredibly dangerous effects, like prescription pills or over-the-counter drugs.
This also includes caffeine. When used in small doses, the stimulant will only have a slight energizing effect.
However, if a driver drinks too much coffee, they could start to develop disturbing behaviors behind the wheel.
A person who has consumed an extremely high amount of caffeine may demonstrate erratic behavior or experience jitteriness, anxiety, or loss of focus.
In these instances, law enforcement officers might consider charging them under broader reckless or impaired driving laws.
Essentially, any substance that impairs or intoxicates someone while driving can lead to the risk of a DWI, Sparks explained.
Furthermore, some states have laws that prohibit driving under the influence of any substance that affects your ability to drive.
While caffeine is unlikely to meet the threshold for impairment, extreme effects from overconsumption might be scrutinized.
The lawyer in the video admits that “we don’t see that happen,” but stressed that many different substances could be grounds for a life-changing DWI charge.
This comes as a new law could be coming into effect in Jacksonville, Florida, in just a matter of weeks which may spell the end of food trucks being parked at gas stations.
The City Council is looking to ban mobile restaurants from operating on gas station property, with new legislation set to be passed on April 8.
Officials claim the main reason for the ban is concerns over major, combustible fire hazards being positioned so near to large amounts of fuel.
Elsewhere, drivers in Honolulu, Hawaii, have begun receiving warning letters in the mail as the city begins its first stage of a photo speed enforcement program.
It will see car owners having their vehicle and speed data collected thanks to 15 cameras dotted around the city – in what begins a long period of warning.
This new data has been able to identify certain hot spots that require further enforcement – with one intersection rising above the others in terms of speeding.
That intersection, located on School Street and Likelike Highway, has four cameras already and catches drivers from all directions – with speed limits in this area as low as 30 and 25 mph.
However, locations of speed cameras were limited by the legislature, according to State Transportation director Ed Sniffen.
How can driving after drinking too much caffeine get you arrested?
DRIVERS can be pulled over, arrested, and even lose their license for consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, according to a legal expert
Here’s a breakdown explaining how coffee could have serious consequences.
- Texas lawyer Justin Sparks explained that “driving under the influence” (DWI) isn’t limited to alcohol but can also include drugs and other substances like caffeine
- While small doses of caffeine typically have a mild energizing effect, excessive consumption may cause erratic behavior, jitteriness, anxiety, or loss of focus
- Such behaviour could lead law enforcement officers to charge a driver under reckless or impaired driving laws.
- DWI laws in some states apply to any substance, legal or not, that affects a person’s ability to drive safely
- Although caffeine is unlikely to impair most drivers, extreme overconsumption could theoretically meet the threshold for scrutiny
- Sparks admits incidents involving caffeine are rare, but the broader principle applies to any substance that compromises driving ability