McDonald’s Japan partners with the popular anime series “Neon Genesis Evangelion” to celebrate the series’ 30th anniversary by releasing a trio of Evangelion robots that transform into a Big Mac, fries, and a shake, respectively.
The “McDonald’s x Evangelion Value Set Figures” will be sold in limited quantities starting January 20, 2025, as a set of three toys including the Big Mac Unit 01, McDonald’s French Fries Unit 02, and McShake Unit 00, for 3,900 yen (~$24.73 US).
The Evangelion figurines are reminiscent of McDonald’s Changeables Happy Meal toys launched in the 1980s. The toys were robots that transformed into various McDonald’s menu items.
In addition to the toys, McDonald’s Japan has also introduced three limited-time Evangelion Burgers: the “Chopped Potatoes & Thick Beef with Rich Garlic Mayo,” Mexican Cheese Chicken, and Double Cheese Teriyaki. All three burgers come in a limited-edition Evangelion-themed wrapper.
The Chopped Potatoes & Thick Beef with Rich Garlic Mayo features a thick beef burger patty served with garlic mayonnaise sauce, steak sauce, cheese, and a crispy-fried potato patty (sounds like a hash brown) on a toasted bun.
The Mexican Cheese Chicken consists of a crispy-fried chicken breast filet, seasoned taco meat, cheddar cheese, pickles, and sweet lemon mayo, served on a toasted bun.
The Double Cheese Teriyaki offers two pork patties covered with a teriyaki sauce and served with cheese, lettuce, and sweet lemon mayo on a toasted bun.
Photos via McDonald’s Japan.