Ok, let’s get it out of the way up top: I probably won’t be losing any sleep over dinosaur horror game Code Violet not coming to PC either. While I’ve still got a pavlovian response to anything that reminds me even a little of Capcom’s sadly abandoned Dino Crisis series, the trailer below doesn’t inspire all that much confidence this one will pick up the mantle.
Watch on YouTube
What’s interesting here though is the developer TeamKill Media’s reasoning for keeping their game away from your desktop thinking telly. As spotted by Pushsquare, Here’s their post in full:
“For those asking us about a PC version of Code Violet… the reason we are not bringing it to PC is we do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game. We hold our voice actresses and actors with high regard, as well as our artistic vision for the game and story and reject any form of destroying that with sexual mods. Making a joke out of our art and possibly tarnishing the reputation of our voice actresses and actors is not worth the extra money we can make.”
I…don’t know what to make of it, honestly. As far as reasoning goes, it isn’t unprecedented. The talent agency for Judgement star Takuya Kimura got in a tangle with SEGA over not wanting to have the series ported to PC for similar reasons. In 2021, CD Projekt shut down a Cyberpunk 2077 mod that reskinned a boneable joytoy to look like Keanu Reeves (“It’s always nice when it’s nice” was Reeves’ own response.)
So, the wording of the tweet focusing on the actors might suggest a similar case of talent agency reticence to that of Judgement. And, hey, if this is genuinely a case of a developer sticking to their guns about their vision for their work to the point where it excludes an entire massive market, then fair play. They probably could have worded in such a way that doesn’t suggest the entire PC owning market is a bunch of slavering boob goblins. But then again, Jimbo’s Big Naturals suggests otherwise.
Teamkill previously released dino FPS Son and Bone to Steam. The only mod I could find was this one, which removes the splash screen. Maybe they’re just really, really proud of Code Violet’s splash screen?