M’aiq the Liar EXPOSED 20 Years Later… An Elder Scrolls Investigation
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M’aiq the Liar is widely been revered as one of Skyrim’s most mysterious and hilarious characters. Throughout The Elder Scrolls franchise, few figures have left the community more perplexed than fibbing feline. Today, making use of more recent revelations from The Elder Scrolls Online, we perform the most modern investigation of this bizarre character to date and discover a surprisingly deep secret.
0:00 – Beginning
4:02 – M’Aiq in Morrowind
22:20 – M’aiq in Oblivion
37:16 – M’aiq in Skyrim
46:25 – M’aiq in ESO
1:07:01 – M’aiq in TES: Castles
1:13:47 – ESO Correction and Theories